Cytopathology The Clinical Interface

Leipzig, 23-26 June 2024


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Personal data*
I would like to join the city stroll on June 25th.*


If you are reading this policy, it means that you have landed on our form. We provide this information so that you know how we handle your personal data when you interact with us, such as when you fill out the form or subscribe to our newsletter. On all these occasions, and more, we process some of your personal data. We do so in accordance with the EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and the Privacy Code as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018.
Who is/are the Data Controller(s) of your data?
The Data Controller(s) responsible for the data collected through this website is European Federation of Cytology Societies, with registered office in Onderbergen 63 9000 Ghent (here in after referred to as the "Data Controller(s)"). You can contact the Data Controller(s) at the following email address
Why do we process your data and when do we collect them?
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire certain personal data as part of their normal operation. The transmission of such data is inherent in the use of Internet communication protocols.
This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers and terminals used by users, the URI/URL addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.), and other parameters related to the user's operating system and computer environment.
Can we do this without your consent? Yes, as the data is necessary for Internet communication and to allow you to use the website (Art. 6, lett. f, GDPR).
How long do we retain this data? Navigation data does not persist for more than seven days (unless necessary for the investigation of crimes by the Judicial Authority).
As Data Controllers, during your navigation on our website, we collect some of your data for the purpose of analyzing and processing information, according to your preferences and browsing experiences. We use technologies such as cookies (our own or third-party) to perform this activity.
Can we do this without your consent? Partially. The collection of data through the use of technical cookies, necessary for the proper functionality and security of the website, is based on our legitimate interest (Art. 6, lett. f, GDPR). The collection of personal data through the use of cookies, whether our own or third-party, which are not strictly necessary, only occurs with your express consent (Art. 6, lett. a, GDPR). We inform you about this through a specific banner located at the bottom of the website when you connect for the first time. Here, you can specifically choose which cookies you consent to share. For more information on what cookies are, their function, etc., you can read our cookie policy.
How long do we retain this data? The retention period for this data is defined in the cookie banner when you choose to view them analytically or in the settings menu located at the bottom left of each page on the website (look for this symbol: ).


If you decide to book a hotel via our website form, we will necessarily process your personal data, email address, phone number.

Can we do this without your consent? Yes, because we are following up on your booking request (Art. 6, lett. b, GDPR).

How long do we retain this data? We retain this data for as long as is strictly necessary to provide the service.

If you decide to contact us through the form on our website, we will by necessity process your personal data, including your personal information, email address, phone number, profession, specialization, and institute/organization/university. Only if you wish, we may also process your data regarding your residence/domicile, such as country, address, city, province, postal code. Furthermore, we will communicate this data to Adria Congrex Srl, which will use your data to send you newsletters and commercial/informational materials exclusively via email for similar events, but only if you give your specific consent by checking the appropriate checkbox at the bottom of the registration form. Please note that Adria Congrex Srl acts as an independent Data Controller for this specific processing, so we invite you to consult their information notice at the following link
Can we do this without your consent? Yes, because we are following up on your request to participate in the event and to provide ECM credits (Art. 6, lett. b, GDPR). However, we ask for your specific consent to send you commercial communications and to communicate your data to Adria Congrex Srl (Art. 6, lett. a, GDPR).
How long do we retain this data? We retain this data for 5 years from the moment the ECM credits are provided.
If you fill out our contact form, we may send you newsletters and commercial/informational materials exclusively via email for similar events.
Can we do this without your consent? Yes, based on our legitimate interest (Art. 6, lett. f, GDPR).
How long do we retain this data? We retain this data for 36 months from the last interaction with us. However, you can request the deletion of your data at any time, and we will promptly comply.
How do we process your data?
The processing of your data is carried out using tools and procedures suitable to ensure their security and confidentiality. It may be done through our website or other electronic tools (e.g., internal management systems), and occasionally with the help of paper supports. In addition to the Data Controller(s), in some cases, other subjects involved in the organization of this website (administrative, commercial, system administrators, etc.) or external entities (such as third-party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies, data entry agencies) appointed, when required by law, as Data Processors by us, may have access to the data. You can obtain the complete list of Data Processors by writing to the email address
Where are your data stored?
The processing we carry out with your personal data takes place within the European Union. We have chosen partners that allow us to keep the data within the Union, in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation. However, your navigation data (IP address), through the installation of cookies, may be transferred outside the European Union, particularly to the United States (for example, Google).
Who has access to your data?
Your data may be made accessible to employees and collaborators of the Data Controller(s) in their capacity as authorized processors and/or system administrators, as well as to other subjects (such as professional firms, consultants, software providers who provide us with management systems, etc.) who perform outsourcing activities on our behalf, as external Data Processors. Your data will not be disclosed in any way.
What are your rights?
As a data subject, you have multiple rights. For example, the right to obtain access to your personal data, rectification, or erasure of the same, or restriction of processing (to know all your rights, you can consult Articles 15 and following of the Regulation). To exercise your rights, you can write to us or call us using the contact information provided at the beginning of this notice.
Right to file a complaint
If you believe that the processing violates your rights in any way, you have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, by verifying the methods on the website The complaint form can be viewed on the following page:
Protection of minors' privacy
This website is intended for a general audience, but its services are intended for individuals aged 18 or older. We do not request, collect, use, or disclose personal data provided by individuals under the age of 18 online. If we discover that we have inadvertently collected personal data from a minor, we will immediately delete it.
ADRIA CONGREX Srl – Via Sassonia, 30 – Rimini – tel. +39 0541 305811 – E-mail - Privacy & Cookie Policy